
How Do You Know When You're Vitamin D Deficient?

3 minute read

Vitamin D helps maintain our body’s levels of calcium and phosphate. Calcium is responsible for healthy bones and teeth, muscle and nerve functions, blood clotting and heart health, while phosphates help with energy production, bone growth and healthy muscles and nerves. 

A vitamin D blood test can help you discover if you are Vitamin D deficient. If you have a level below 12 nanograms (ng) per milliliter (mL), it is an indication that you do not have enough Vitamin D in your body. Research suggests that over 40% of the US population is Vitamin D deficient.

Fortunately, your body can also send off several signals to indicate when you are Vitamin D deficient. This article will explore some natural ways to tell when your Vitamin D levels are low. 

Where Does Vitamin D Come From?

Most of our Vitamin D comes from direct sunlight in the spring and summer months. Our body produces Vitamin D when sunlight directly hits our skin.  Over the Autumn and Winter months, Vitamin D supplements are needed to boost our bodies' Vitamin D levels. You can also obtain small amounts of Vitamin D from fatty fish, fish liver oil tablets, red meat, eggs, and mushrooms.

How Can I Tell If I Have A Vitamin D Deficiency?

As well as a Vitamin D blood test, there are also some natural indicators that you may be Vitamin D deficient. Read on to find out the most common signs of a Vitamin D deficiency.

Feeling Constantly Unwell

If you constantly feel unwell, you may have a Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D helps regulate your immune system and boosts its ability to fight unwanted germs. Studies show that individuals with a weakened immune system from autoimmune conditions respond positively to Vitamin D supplements. If you feel constantly unwell, go to your doctor to see if you have a Vitamin D deficiency.

Aches & Pains

Vitamin D helps promote muscle, nerve and bone function. It also helps your muscles to contract. If you are Vitamin D deficient, you may experience more frequent aches and pains as your body lacks sufficient nutrients to move as it normally would. You might experience nausea due to continued stomach cramps or prolonged pain in the abdominal area. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, a key component in muscle movement.

Hair Loss

There is a direct link between Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss, as it helps stimulate the development of new and old hair follicles. This could lead to alopecia, which causes bald patches, or even an early onset of pattern hair loss. Research shows that many individuals with alopecia were also Vitamin D deficient. If you are experiencing hair loss, ask your doctor for a Vitamin D blood test.


Vitamin D helps to regulate many of your body's normal functions, from bone growth to muscle contractions. If you are Vitamin D deficient, your body will not be able to work as efficiently as it usually would, meaning it will need to work harder to complete your body’s daily functions and activities. This can lead to extreme lethargy or tiredness and difficulty completing daily tasks.


Our body’s cell receptors respond to Vitamin D and instruct the body when it is time to sleep. If you have a Vitamin D deficiency, your body may not be able to carry out its normal sleep cycle, which means that you may have difficulty sleeping (insomnia). This can also lead to tiredness, another common symptom of Vitamin D deficiency.

Mood Changes

There are several studies ongoing into the link between mood and Vitamin D. One study suggested that individuals with depression reported an improvement after taking Vitamin D. While further research is needed to establish the exact link between mood and Vitamin D, it is clear that it helps regulate many of the body’s regular functions. Poor sleep contributes to depression and anxiety, another potential sign of Vitamin D deficiency.

Appetite Changes

Are you feeling less hungry than usual? You may have a Vitamin D deficiency. An early sign of Vitamin D deficiency is a poor appetite. A lack of appetite may also be caused by increased nausea and stomach cramps caused by low Vitamin D levels in the body. 

Over time, however, low Vitamin D levels can influence your body's hormone levels, which can change your body’s perception of its own weight. Your hormones might trick your body into thinking it is hungry and lead to overeating. Individuals with longer-term Vitamin D deficiency may experience this.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Vitamin D Deficiency?

Long-term Vitamin D deficiency can severely impact your bone density, and individuals with low Vitamin D may experience more fractures or broken bones. Over time, they may develop osteoporosis, when their bones become very fragile. Children may develop rickets, and adults may develop a similar condition called osteomalacia, where the bones become very soft. 

Research is also ongoing into the link between Vitamin D deficiency and cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. You are more likely to become ill with a long-term Vitamin D deficiency as your immune system runs at a lower capacity than usual. Over time, mood changes and tiredness can also have a significant impact on your daily life.


Vitamin D plays an essential part in keeping our bodies healthy. A Vitamin D supplement can help protect your body over the winter months when you do not always have exposure to sunlight. Short term signs of Vitamin D deficiency can include fatigue, mood changes and increased pains, while longer-term low levels can have a severe impact on the body.

Are you concerned about your Vitamin D levels? Protect your body by taking Trace Minerals Vitamin D3 and K2 gummies. Help promote strong and healthy bones, your heart health and your immune system today.

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